12:59 AM
Q: What does a mathematician do when he's constipated?
A: He works it out with a pencil.

Q: What do you get if you cross an elephant with a zebra?
A: Elephant zebra sin theta.

Q: What do you call a teapot of boiling water on top of Mount Everest?
A: A high - pot - in - use

Q: Why did the mathematician name his dog "Cauchy"?
A: Because he left a residue at every pole.

Q: What do you get when you cross  an elephant with a banana?
A: Elephant banana sine theta in a mutual direction

Q: What does a mathematician present to his fiancée when he wants to propose?
A: A polynomial ring!

Q:Why do you rarely find mathematicians spending time at the beach?
 A: Because they have sine and cosine to get a tan and don't need the sun!

Q: What is the difference between a mathematician and a philosopher?
A: The mathematician only needs paper, pencil, and a trash bin for his work - the philosopher can do without the trash bin...

Q: How does one insult a mathematician?
A: You say: "Your brain is smaller than any >0!"

New York (CNN). At John F. Kennedy International Airport today, a Caucasian male (later discovered to be a high school mathematics teacher) was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a compass, a protractor and a graphical calculator.According to law enforcement officials, he is believed to have ties to the Al-Gebra network. He will be charged with carrying weapons of math instruction.


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