5:50 AM
1.How do you make seven even?
2.What happens when you cross a friend and a calculator?
3.What did the zero say to the eight?
4.Where do mathematicians go shopping?
5.Why is the meter stick such a stubborn ruler?
Q:  Why wouldn't the elephant go on the computer?
A:  Because he was afraid of the mouse
Q: A man is stuck in a house. All he has is a mirror and a table, how did he get out?
A: He looked in the mirror and saw what he saw. So he took the saw and cut the table in half, two halves make a ‘hole’, so he jumped out the hole.
Q: You can feel it, but you can't touch it. You can hear it, but you can't see it. What is it?
A: Wind.
Q: What has 3 feet and nothing else?
A:  A yardstick.
Q: Why isn't your nose twelve inches long?
A:  Because then it would be a foot.
Q: n the dark they are found without being fetched, in the light they are lost without being stolen. What are they?
A:  Stars
Q: Why do zebras have stripes?
A:  Because the spots were all over.
Q: Why did the lion eat a tightrope walker?
A:  Because he wanted a balanced meal.
Q: What does a hippo use for public transportation?
A:  A hippopota-bus.


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