The blood group diet is also called the blood type diet. And yes, you guessed it right, this is a weight loss program that is based on the persons blood type. This sounds crazy for some people because they can not seem to see the connection between dieting and blood type. However, advocates of this diet can testify how great its effects are. Will this also help you lose weight? Is there really a logic behind the blood group diet? Apparently, there is. Here are the information that you need to know about blood group diet:

The Basics of the Blood Group Diet

This weight loss program is pioneered by Dr. Peter D’Adamo and he initially introduced it through his book entitled, “Eat Right for Your Blood Type”. It may have roused doubt initially but the moment that Hollywood starts and prominent celebrities started to back up the diet’s claims, this then turned to a major buzz.
To understand it easier, Dr. D’Adamo justifies that each blood type has a different antigen marker which determines how the body will react and process certain nutrients. Hence, it is necessary to tailor the diet according to the blood type of the person. That way, the body can be programmed to absorb certain nutrients much better and allow efficient weight loss.
The blood group diet is not all about inventing a whole new program. Yes, it designates specific types of food according to the person’s blood type but it is all a matter of knowing which ones to eat and which ones to avoid.
Blood Group Diet
photo credit: Soares
Interestingly, another principle of the blood group diet is that the diet should be based on the
blood type of our ancestors. Dr. D’Adamo believes that our blood types have gone multiple evolutions over the centuries and to ensure that the diet would work, it is important to consider the original types of blood.

Diet for Blood Type O

The goal of people with blood type O is to indulge in foods which have high amount of protein and low in carbohydrates. This is similar to the diet that hunter-gatherer ancestors follow. Hence, the daily diet should be concentrated more on lean meat and fish. Even if dairy products are rich in protein, these are not recommended because of high amount of carbs.

Diet for Blood Type B

People with this blood type would not such a hard time because there are more varieties of food which can be eaten. Our ancestors who are constant travelers have this type of blood. So, the only concern is to eat a balanced diet regularly and stay away from those which have been heavily processed and chemically induced.

Diet for Blood Type A

This is based on our ancestors who focused on farming. People with this type of blood should eat more grain products, fruits and vegetables. Meat is not recommended because this is not easily processed by the digestive system.

Diet for Blood Type AB

It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits for people with this type of blood type. Basically, the diet should be a combination of the recommended food for people with blood type A and blood type B. However, since leaning more on vegetarian diet results to more efficient weight loss, eating fish and meat should be regulated too.

  Top foods to keep you young

Green tea

There is no end to the benefits of this super drink; green tea boasts a wealth of benefits that earns it the top spot in our anti-aging food list. Green tea is believed to help regulate blood pressure, lower blood sugar, boost the immune system, lower cholesterol and studies have even shown that green tea can be effective at preventing cancer. That's as close to the elixir of life as you can get.

Leafy greens

Whilst eating spinach won't be enough to turn you into Popeye, it's certainly excellent for boosting the body's immunity from illness. Spinach and other leafy foods like kale and collard are high in folate which is vital in preventing DNA and blood vessel damage.  If you can maintain a healthy circulatory system you are reducing your risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.

Dark chocolate

Who would have thought this sweet treat would feature in an anti-aging list, but the good news is chocolate can help fight against some signs of aging due to its cocoa content. Cocoa is rich in a group of antioxidants called Flavinoids which help preserve healthy function of the blood vessels. And healthy youthful circulatory system lowers risk of high blood pressure, type II diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.  Don't go overboard though, a square a day is a good guide and make sure you go for the over 70 per cent cocoa bars.

Soy products

Like fish, soy products such as tofu are also a great alternative source of protein than red meat or even dairy, since they have little or no saturated fat.  A diet that's low in saturated fat will reduce your risk of developing heart disease and lower blood pressure. As a staple part of the Japanese diet, soy products are great at helping keep down cholesterol and are a useful addition to a healthy diet.


Judging from their frequently bad press, you might assume that all forms of bacteria are out to get you. Thankfully, this couldn't be further from the truth. 'Good' bacteria is great for regulating the immune system, by increasing its antibodies and preventing the rise of pathogenic organisms like salmonella and E.coli. Many yogurts include a high volume of 'good' bacteria that help maintain gut health and diminish the incidence of age-related intestinal illness. Yogurt is also rich in calcium, which can help stave off osteoporosis.

Red wine

A glass of red wine adds up a good dose of anti-aging elements including polyphenol antioxidants, minerals, and resveratrol. Resveratrol which helps to increase 'good cholesterol' levels in the body and prevents blood clotting and a healthy circulatory system. Resveratrol found in red wine may also be beneficial for women during the menopause by reducing the risk for conditions for example breast cancer and osteoporosis that result from reduced estrogen levels.  Like the chocolate, it's not carte blanche to guzzle as much as you want; we suggest a standard glass every other day is a good approach.


Few people — whether active or not — drink sufficient water, and side effects of even slight dehydration include headaches, fatigue and low concentration levels. Yet increasing fluid intake can increase energy levels, aid digestion, give skin a boost and help boost your anti-aging armory. Concentrate on drinking little and often throughout the day, being extra vigilant after exercise or when you've been confined in a dry, overheated or air-conditioned environment. Read more on

Non-alcoholic red wine better for the heart 

 In 2008, a landmark study revealed that drinking two glasses of red wine a day could protect one from heart disease.

This was accepted with much jubilation and glass-clinking by wine lovers everywhere.
New data published in the American Heart Association Journal this Sept 6, 2012 says that "dealcoholized red wine decreases blood pressure…."

Improves blood flow to vital organs

The authors wanted to determine the effects of non-alcoholic red wine on blood pressure and nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide helps dilate the blood vessels and improve blood flow to vital organs.
Sixty-seven men with risk factors for heart disease were enrolled in the study.

At the end of the observation period, the men assigned to receive non-alcoholic red wine had lower blood pressure readings and elevated nitric oxide levels versus the other volunteers, the alcoholic red wine group and the gin group.

While we don't suggest drinking on the job, red wine significantly improves short-term memory and motor skills.

Helps blood vessels from forming clots
The benefit lies in the antioxidant, called resveratrol, contained in the wine. It increases the levels of "good" cholesterol which can protect one from cardiovascular disease. Resveratrol also protects the lining of the blood vessels from damage. Damaged blood vessels encourage clot formation leading to a heart attack or stroke.

Before this information was published, doctors were careful about encouraging patients to take 2 glasses of red wine daily for fear of the many harmful effects of too much alcohol on the body.

With this data, it appears that non-alcoholic red wine would be a better choice.

Expert Ways to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

Dr Shobha Mathur, an eminent Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist shares her expert knowledge on precautions and ways to prevent Urinary Tract Infections better known as UTI infection.

What is a Urinary Tract Infection?

The liquid waste of our body urine is made and stored by the Urinary tract. Normal urine does not contain any germs or bacteria but they may be present in the rectal area and in the bowel movements. This bacteria travel to the urinary tract and urine, and may further cause infection in the bladder. When they sit there and multiply, the condition is called cystitis, characterized by inflammation- redness, swelling and pain. But, when the bacteria go upward to the kidney, an infection called pyelonephritis develops. This is a far more serious condition than a bladder infection.

Urinary Tract Infections are more common in women than men because of their anatomy. Though children can also get infected but they are less prone to it.

Diagnosis; watch out for these symptoms

  • Dysuria- Pain or burning sensation while urinating
  • Frequent need to urinate and the urge cannot be delayed
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Fever and chills
  • Nausea and Vomiting
UTI are diagnosed by isolating the urinary pathogen from the patient and there are multiple tests available for the diagnosis. The number of bacteria and white blood cells in the urine sample help to decide the severity of the infection. The symptoms depend on the sex, age and location of the infection in the tract.

Prevention is the 'key'

For both men and women of all age groups, hygiene and cleanliness of private parts is very important. Therefore, proper personal hygiene and a few other simple tips can help prevent UTI.
  • Wear only cotton undergarments; do not sport any other materials. Wash them with a detergent everyday after use.
  • There is no need of using antiseptic in water to wash the private parts unless advised by the doctor. Antiseptics kill the normal protective bacterial layer of the skin and increase the chances of skin allergy and susceptibility to infections.
  • Drink plenty of oral liquids such as water, juice and coconut water.
  • To maintain safety in kids, mothers should check that their undergarments are always dry to prevent nappy rash. Playing in sand pits may lead to skin infections and then UTI if not cleaned properly.
It is important for men to know that circumcision helps in preventing STD, UTI and cancer. Also in old age, Prostatic Hypertrophy, which is enlargement of the prostrate gland, must be treated well in time because it increases the chances of UTI.

Important tips for women to stay fit and free of infections:

  • Women have an increased susceptibility due to small length of urethra; hence hygiene is important especially during menstruation cycle.
  • Always use clean and dry sanitary napkins. It is vital to wash your private parts daily.
  • On honeymoon, UTI is common problem but can be prevented by maintaining clean hygiene practices, increasing water intake and by having gentle sex.
  • Menstrual hygiene must be followed.
  • Do not wash from back (anal area) to front (vaginal area). Instead use a mild soap to lather from front to back and then wash with warm water. Doing so and avoiding the use of water jets in western toilet is a must. Instead Use hand held shower.
  • Ageing women develop senile atrophic degeneration of vagina, which increases incidence of UTI. After consultation from a gynecologist, use a medicated hormonal cream to avoid UTI.
The good news is that the UTI infection can be controlled with antibiotics if discovered at the right time. Therefore, follow healthy practices and if you still notice any symptom that is causing discomfort or is unusual, please see the doctor immediately.





Diabetic Diet Food List – What to Consume and Avoid

Diabetes mellitus, or simply Diabetes — is a type of metabolic disease wherein an individual has high blood sugar. There are 2 main reasons why this is occurring: the right amount of insulin — a hormone responsible in carb and fat metabolism regulation — is not being produced by the body; or the body does not respond to insulin.

Diabetics need to maintain their blood sugar levels should be close to normal. Diet is a huge factor to make this happen. Diabetics needs to be aware of the right food that they need to eat. These foods should be high in nutrients and low in calories and fat.
There are several foods that diabetics should avoid. Among these are the following:

Foods with Saturated fats.

Some examples of foods with saturated fats are pork, beef, bacon, bratwurst, hot dogs, pork rind (chicharon), dairy products with high fat content. Avoid eating processed foods especially those with margarine.

Foods that are high in cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a killer when it comes to heart health. This is also bad for people with Diabetes. Diabetics should watch out for foods that have high cholesterol content. Foods such as shellfish, innards (liver and the likes), egg yolks, and chicken skin should be avoided.
Here are some of the food groups that diabetics should have:

Foods rich in fiber.

Fiber rich foods are good for digestion; they are also recommended for diabetics because they can control blood sugar levels. Fiber can be found on certain foods such as raspberries, banana, orange, raisins, barley, bran, popcorn, brown rice, lentils, pecans, artihokes, and peas.

Good carbohydrates.

Too much carbohydrates can lead to a high blood sugar levels. However, there are foods that contain good carbohydrates. These foods can help diabetics maintain their blood sugar levels. Some foods that have good carbohydrates are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, bran, and legumes.

Foods with good fats.

If there is such a thing as good cholesterol, there is also good fat. These foods mono and poly saturated fats that help lower cholesterol. It is recommended to have moderate anounts of these food types. some examples are almonds, olives, avocado, and walnuts.

Foods with Omega-3.

Omega-3 rich food promotes the health of the heart and reduces fats in the blood. Omega-3 can be found in certain kinds of fish which include tuna, halibut, cod, salmon, and mackerel.


Top Natural Low Fat Foods

here are many low fat foods sold in groceries and food stores these days. In fact, they are always seen in print and TV commercials. Although these foods claims to be low in fat, most of them are really processed foods. We are aware that processed foods is just secondary to natural foods when we are talking about nutrition. It is still best to consume natural foods for optimum health benefits. Remember, when the food remains closest to its natural state, it is much more nutritious.
What most people forget about when changing their diet is that they should not just focus on low fat foods. They also need to be careful with the amount of calories and sugar that they take in. Low fat does not automatically mean low calories and sugar. For example, it is easy to assume that banana will be beneficial for your health since this is a fruit. However, there is high amount of sugar in it so it has to be eaten in moderation too.

Here is a list of some of the low fat foods that you should include in your daily diet.

FruitsLow Fat Foods

The most recommended fruits include berries like strawberry, black currant, blueberries and black berries. These are not only low in fat but also contain a lot of anti-oxidants which could do a lot of positive benefits for your health. Grapes and watermelon are excellent choices too since these do not have high amount of sugar.


There are a lot of vegetables that you could incorporate in your diet if you are targeting low fat foods. However, some may have sodium and this is not always best for the body. You can go for fresh greens like lettuce, spinach and broccoli. Carrots, tomatoes, potato are beneficial too. The best way to eat vegetables is raw to be able to consume all the vitamins and minerals that they contain. When vegetables are subjected to heat during cooking, boiling or blanching, some of the nutrients may be lost.

Grain Products

Even if you only want to eat low fat foods, you can still eat grain products like oatmeal, brown rice, couscous and quinoa. These are not only low in fat but they also have high amount of fiber that can aid in better digestion and detoxification.

Dairy Products

Be a little more careful when it comes to picking the dairy products because some may have high amount of fat. For eggs, get rid of the yolk and eat only the egg whites. Skim milk is a safe option too.


Pork is not recommended. You can take 2-3 servings of beef in one week. Chicken is a good option if you do not eat the skin and opt only for the breast part. The best choice is fish meat, particularly tuna and mackerel.
If you would like to eat bread and pasta, do not indulge on those which are not made of whole wheat. Whole wheat bread and pasta have more fiber and less carbohydrates.

High Fiber Foods: The Key to Heart and Digestive Health

Everyone knows that fiber is good for digestion. With tons of TV ads and commercials promoting fiber rich supplements, the point has been made clear to the public.
The good news is you don’t need to buy supplements to get fiber working in your body; it comes naturally from the regular food that we eat. All that needs to be done is identify these High Fiber Foods and consume them on a regular basis.

High Fiber Foods and Digestive Health

The fiber that we consume by eating fruits and vegetables are called dietary fiber. These mainly come from plants. Since our body cannot process fiber, it goes down to the colon to maintain regularity. It also helps prevent constipation.
There are 2 types of dietary fiber: insoluble fiber and soluble fiber.
Insoluble fiber pertains to fiber that does not dissolve in liquid. This fiber moves in the digestive tract and acts as a binder that increases the stool’s volume. Some of the common sources of this fiber are whole grain foods and nuts.
High Fiber Foods

Soluble fibers, on the other hand, can take-in water. This helps to form the texture of the stool. Most fruits are rich in soluble fiber.

High Fiber Foods and Heart Health

Fiber also plays a part in maintaining a healthy heart. Studies show that people who take more fiber in their diet have lesser CRP in their body; CRP stands for C Reactive Protein which is associated to heart disease. This has also been identified as one of the factors that causes stroke.

High Fiber Foods List:

Here is a list of foods that are high on fiber.


  • Grapefruit
  • Orange
  • Apricots
  • Strawberries
  • Apples
  • Pear
  • Banana
  • Blueberries
  • Figs
  • Peaches
  • Avocado
  • Raspberries


  • Beets
  • Green beans
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Spinach
  • Cauliflower
  • Onions
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Peas
  • Corn


  • Pistachio
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Peanut

Whole Grains

  • Whole Wheat Pasta
  • Bran cereal
  • Brown Rice
  • Oats
Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

For a time, coconut has even been tagged as a “wonder fruit” because of the many good things it can give to the body. You might have heard some of these before, and you might have raised your eyebrows because you don’t believe it possible. However, the benefits listed below have been proven, and they’re very good reasons to keep a bottle of coconut oil in your kitchen cabinet.
To name a few, here are some of the health benefits of coconut oil:
One of the most known health benefits of coconut oil is the fact that it can aid in weight loss. According to studies, coconut oil has unique fats called medium-chain triglycerides which are burned by the body differently. You may use coconut oil in place of your usual cooking oil, or mix in coconut oil to salads as vinaigrette.

Strengthens your immune system

Are you sickly, lately? There’s good news because one of the more popular health benefits of coconut oil is its ability to boost your immune system. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, and antimicrobial lipids. In other words, it has properties which can help ward off harmful bacteria and viral infections from your body. You won’t have to worry about the common cold or even influenza if you have regular coconut oil intake.

Aids in mineral absorption

A lot of things can affect the way your body absorbs minerals, and a lack of minerals can mean weakening of the bones aside from other organs of your body. One of the most popular health benefits of coconut oil is the fact that it can aid in mineral absorption. This means that you’ll be much healthier with the help of coconut oil intake. Don’t miss out on nutrients just because you didn’t choose the right oil for cooking.

Helps control blood sugar levels

Are you a diabetic? If you are, then you can enjoy one of the best health benefits of this natural oil. Coconut oil can help with the healthy secretion of insulin. Most diabetics are unable to live normally because their blood sugar levels are simply out of control. With regular intake of coconut oil, blood sugar levels can be managed easier.

Good for the skin and hair

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer for the skin and hair. Products containing coconut oil have been marketed to keep one’s skin and hair healthier. In fact, women in Asia have always prided themselves for having long lustrous hair because they apply coconut oil to condition their scalps before sleeping. It’s a cheap and healthier alternative to chemical hair treatments.

Coconut Water Health Benefits

It cannot be denied that there are plenty of coconut water health benefits. The coconut tree has often been considered a “life-giving” tree and for a good reason. The coconut fruit alone can provide so much nutrition and benefits which could topple the same benefits offered by modern medicine. While some of the claims may seem too good to be true, most are back up by medical professionals. Find out why you need to make coconut water a staple in your diet.

Cure for dehydration

You might want to pass up on energy drinks because there is a natural fruit juice that contains just as much electrolytes, is cheaper, and could contain more nutrients than your solution in a bottle. One of the best coconut water health benefits is the fact that it can cure severe dehydration. In fact, it’s so effective that it was even used intravenously for soldiers suffering from dehydration during the war.

Cures stomach illnesses

There are plenty of stomach illnesses which are hard to pinpoint immediately. The old timer’s solution is just plain old coconut water. One of the oldest known coconut water health benefits is that it can cure stomach illnesses which could cause vomiting or diarrhea. It’s potent but mild enough to be used on infants suffering from intestinal bacteria. It has anti-bacterial properties, and is also known to calm the stomach acids down so that nausea is also controlled. It’s so effective that even people suffering from malaria were given relief thanks to coconut water.
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Relieves urinary tract problems

If you’ve suffered from UTI or urinary tract infection in the past, then you must already know that one of the best examples of coconut water health benefits is the fact that it can relieve you of your urinary tract discomforts. It’s a known diuretic, has anti-bacterial properties (so it kills the infection) and it’s even known to treat kidney and gall stone problems. You don’t have to resort to artificial medicines right away. You can choose the natural remedy. These are safer and proven to be more effective.

Good for malnutrition

If you fear that your child is not getting enough nutrition, you might want to start introducing coconut water and coconut meat into his/her diet. One of the best coconut water health benefits is the fact that it’s just brimming with nutrients. These nutrients include calcium, potassium, and magnesium. If you’re asking your child to take vitamin supplements, drinking coconut water also makes the body absorb these nutrients better. It’s also a good remedy for children who are suffering from malnourishment because of loose bowel movement or even diarrhea.

Cleanses the body

Coconut water cleanses the body from toxins naturally. It can help you get rid of unwanted fats, so it’s a good food product to have if you’re trying to lose weight. Coconut water, just like coconut oil, also helps to control cholesterol and sugar levels better. If you’re diabetic, this is a low carbohydrate and low sugar fruit you can indulge yourself in.

Health Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are one of the few fruits that some people will consider a staple food. You might already know some of the health benefits of bananas, but probably not all. It’s no secret that it’s a rich source or potassium, but why else should you include it in your diets? It’s also a nice tasting fruit which makes a good dessert. Below are more health benefits of bananas you might enjoy reading about.

It regulates bowel movement

If you look closely at people’s diets these days, it’s filled with processed food and white flour. This is one of the primary causes of constipation. If you’re one of the people suffering from irregular bowel movement, you might want to check one of the most popular health benefits of bananas. Bananas promote a regular and healthy digestion. It’s also very easy to eat, so you won’t have to worry about missing out on its fibers even if you’re always in a hurry to get to where you have to go.

It lowers blood pressure

There are also a lot of health benefits of bananas related to good heart health. For one, it’s a fruit that lowers blood pressure. As a result, it lowers the risks of heart diseases. This is because of its rich potassium content. It also fills you up so you won’t have to snack on food products which may be too oily and bad for the heart.

It has anti-depressant properties

Bananas also contain plenty of naturally-occurring sugars. As a result, it’s recommended for people who tend to be depressed or sad. It stabilizes brain chemicals, and provides a natural “happy high” which most people appreciate. It’s also a good fruit to have if you need to be energized. Some people just have one or two bananas for breakfast and they’re ready to go.

It helps the body absorb calcium

Bananas don’t have calcium, but they do contain probiotic bacteria which help in the absorption of calcium by the human body. This is probably one of the lesser known health benefits of bananas. This is also why a lot of parents, whether they know it or not, prefer to make their kids eat bananas and down it with milk. Aside from the delicious combination of bananas and milk, it’s very healthy too.

It prevents anemia

Aside from potassium, bananas are also rich in iron. This is why it’s a recommended fruit for people who tend to lack iron or who tend to be anemic. It’s definitely a good fruit to consume for pregnant women.

It helps improve brain performance

Students who had bananas for breakfast, breaks, and lunch were observed to be smarter and more alert in class. Again, medical practitioners account this to the fruit’s potassium content. It could also be because of the naturally occurring sugars in bananas. Kids, in particular, who ate bananas regularly, fared better in school.

It helps relieve stomach ulcer pain

If you’re prone to intestinal disorders, you might want to include bananas in your diet. Bananas help relieve the pain of stomach ulcers, in particular, because it fills up the stomach, and because it has properties which neutralizes stomach acids. It’s a good alternative to milk of magnesia.

Health Benefits of Pineapple

Health Benefits of Pineapple 

The Health Benefits of Pineapple seem endless. You might know pineapple as a canned fruit that come in various slices. In reality, pineapple is a fruit composed of many flowers. The fruits of each flower circle around a single core; each fruit is characterized by a spiny part which we sometimes call as eyes.
Children from tropical countries know what a pineapple looks like. This is because the fruit grow best in humid climate and is readily available almost whole year round. For others, pineapple is just a simple canned fruit – or better yet a fruit shaped like Sponge Bob’s house.
One known Health Benefit of Pineapple is its ability to prevent scurvy. This fruit is rich in Vitamin C, but there is more to it than that.
Pineapples contain an important enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme has been found to be an effective anti-inflammatory compound that helps reduce swelling. It is also known to treat sore throat, arthritis, gout, and acute sinusitis.
Photo Credit: markus941
Another Health Benefit of Pineapple is its ability to assist in digestion. It is more advisable to have pineapple in between meals to enable proper digestion that can lead to weight loss. If pineapple is eaten with any other food, it will first digest the food that was eaten with it, leaving a little effect on the other foods and proteins stored in the stomach.
Eliminating free radicals from our body is important. Pineapple, like berries is also high in anti-oxidants. This is responsible in protecting our cells from free-radical build-up that can lead to asthma, colon cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Other Health Benefits of Pineapple include: Goiter prevention by regulating the thyroid gland; protects against bronchitis by removing the inflammation of the bronchial tubes; prevents high blood pressure; removes worms from the intestine; prevents dyspepsia from occurring.

Health Benefits of Malunggay

Malunggay is also commonly referred to as moringa leaves or drumstick tree because of its long and slender tree. The health benefits of malunggay are well known not just in Asia and Africa but also in other countries across the globe. True enough, this would not be called as the ‘Miracle Tree’ for no reason at all, right? All parts of the moringa tree such as the leaves, pods, flowers, fruits, barks and roots can be used.


The health benefits of malunggay are primarily attributed to the impressive amount of vitamins and minerals that it contains; according to studies, this has more than 90 nutrients; it is also packed with 46 different antioxidants and 8 essential amino acids. Interestingly, because of the rich component of malunggay, it is also known to be capable of curing more than 300 health related concerns.
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Rich in Viatamin A

Malunggay is rich in Vitamin A. This can easily beat the amount which can be obtained from regularly eating carrots. Aside from helping in eyesight improvement, this could also do wonders when it comes to enhancing the skin appearance. Other vitamins that it contains include Vitamin B, C, D and E. Hence, among the health benefits of malunggay include strengthening of immune system, better calcium absorption and improved motor skills.

High in Protein

When it comes to getting sufficient amount of protein, the usual solution is to increase intake of milk or lean meat, right? Surprisingly, one of the main health benefits of malunggay is its capacity to supply the level of protein that is needed by the body daily.

Improves Blood Circulation

The high amount of iron in the leaves makes it really helpful in improving blood circulation within the body. For people who have cuts, bruises and burns, its anti-inflammatory components help a lot too. Those who need to boost the performance of their circulatory system can also rely on the malunggay leaves. Even people who are suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure should add this leaves on their diet. It effectively lowers sugar level and regulates blood pressure, all through a natural process.

Can Increase Breast Milk Production

For mothers who just gave birth, the moringa leaves can also be helpful in maintaining the health of both the mom and the baby. The leaves can increase production of breast milk and ensures that the mother receives the nutrients that she needs. Aside from that, it also helps in preventing constipation, stomach spasms and indigestion that can affect the baby.

Other Benefits

The malunggay leaves can also be beneficial for people who are aiming for weight loss. The amount of fiber it has can contribute in detoxification. It also helps in controlling appetite. The best part is that malunggay can boost one’s energy level which leads to becoming more active every single day. Hence, it would be easier to burn stored fat and the calories which come from each meal.
Even if malunggay or moringa is commonly cultivated in Asia and Africa, there are many ways on how to be able to add this to the daily diet. One popular option is the malunggay tea which is the most preferred by people who would like to regulate their high blood pressure and diabetes. There are also herbal capsules which can be taken daily to be able to enjoy the health benefits of malunggay.

Dark Chocolate Health Benefits
Chocolate is one of the most well-loved food in the world, and now there are plenty of reasons to eat them—at least the dark variant. Read on to find out more about dark chocolate health benefits.

Rich in antioxidants

One of the most published dark chocolate health benefits is its antioxidant content. A lot of people drink or eat chocolates just for the taste but they don’t know it also contains flavanols. These flavanols are powerful antioxidants that help kill cancer-causing free radicals in the body. Antioxidants also keep the human body young. Those who don’t eat or drink chocolate, especially the dark variant, lose out on this benefit.

Lowers blood pressure

Amusingly enough, one of the best dark chocolate health benefits is enjoyed by those who actually suffer from high blood pressure. This is because dark chocolate, when stripped of its sugar and cream content, can actually help lower one’s blood pressure. If you have a tendency to have high blood pressure, simply nibble on a dark chocolate bar with 70% and up cocoa content. This means that chocolate itself is actually good for you. It’s the additives that sometimes make it very unhealthy.
Dark Chocolate Health Benefits

Lowers bad cholesterol

Not all fat or cholesterol is bad for the body. There is HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol). For people who are prone to heart ailments, it’s all a matter of lowering bad cholesterol. Thankfully, it’s one of the best dark chocolate health benefits known to man. If your blood work shows high levels of bad cholesterol, simply nibble on a dark chocolate bar with high cocoa content.

Acts as an Anti-depressant

If you’ve been munching on a chocolate bar every time you’re depressed or feeling sad, there’s actually scientific fact now which can back up your “remedy”. Dark chocolate is a very good natural anti-depressant, and for those who have been tagged as compulsive eaters simply because they turn to chocolates when they’re down, this news couldn’t get any better.
Take note, though, that anti-depressant qualities are considered dark chocolate health benefits so try looking for chocolate variants without milk content. Milk can be quite fattening. If you can find the unsweetened chocolate variant too or at least ones with very little sugar in them you’re on the road to a healthier lifestyle.

Cleans up the arteries

Eating dark chocolates can also improve your cardiovascular health. There are antioxidants in chocolates that help sweep plaque off your arteries. It’s also rich in magnesium which is an important mineral to have if you want to keep your nervous and cardiovascular systems healthy. Magnesium in your diet can also promote a healthier bowel movement, so it’s definitely one of the food products you ought to include in your diets without guilt.

Prevents tooth decay

While very few people would believe that chocolate actually prevents tooth decay, recent studies have shown that it helps to stop the growth of streptococcus mutans, which is a bacteria found in oral cavities. Of course, sugar promotes these cavities, so don’t forget to brush your teeth after eating chocolates.

Blood Group Diet
The blood group diet is also called the blood type diet. And yes, you guessed it right, this is a weight loss program that is based on the persons blood type. This sounds crazy for some people because they can not seem to see the connection between dieting and blood type. However, advocates of this diet can testify how great its effects are. Will this also help you lose weight? Is there really a logic behind the blood group diet? Apparently, there is. Here are the information that you need to know about blood group diet:

The Basics of the Blood Group Diet

This weight loss program is pioneered by Dr. Peter D’Adamo and he initially introduced it through his book entitled, “Eat Right for Your Blood Type”. It may have roused doubt initially but the moment that Hollywood starts and prominent celebrities started to back up the diet’s claims, this then turned to a major buzz.
To understand it easier, Dr. D’Adamo justifies that each blood type has a different antigen marker which determines how the body will react and process certain nutrients. Hence, it is necessary to tailor the diet according to the blood type of the person. That way, the body can be programmed to absorb certain nutrients much better and allow efficient weight loss.
The blood group diet is not all about inventing a whole new program. Yes, it designates specific types of food according to the person’s blood type but it is all a matter of knowing which ones to eat and which ones to avoid.

Interestingly, another principle of the blood group diet is that the diet should be based on the
blood type of our ancestors. Dr. D’Adamo believes that our blood types have gone multiple evolutions over the centuries and to ensure that the diet would work, it is important to consider the original types of blood.

Diet for Blood Type O

The goal of people with blood type O is to indulge in foods which have high amount of protein and low in carbohydrates. This is similar to the diet that hunter-gatherer ancestors follow. Hence, the daily diet should be concentrated more on lean meat and fish. Even if dairy products are rich in protein, these are not recommended because of high amount of carbs.

Diet for Blood Type B

People with this blood type would not such a hard time because there are more varieties of food which can be eaten. Our ancestors who are constant travelers have this type of blood. So, the only concern is to eat a balanced diet regularly and stay away from those which have been heavily processed and chemically induced.

Diet for Blood Type A

This is based on our ancestors who focused on farming. People with this type of blood should eat more grain products, fruits and vegetables. Meat is not recommended because this is not easily processed by the digestive system.

Diet for Blood Type AB

It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits for people with this type of blood type. Basically, the diet should be a combination of the recommended food for people with blood type A and blood type B. However, since leaning more on vegetarian diet results to more efficient weight loss, eating fish and meat should be regulated too.




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