11:14 PM

The Commission on Elections released last January 15 the implementing rules for the Fair Elections Act for the upcoming May 2013 elections.

Among the notable changes in the rules are the monitoring of online advertisements, a first for Comelec, and shorter TV and radio minutes for candidates' commercials.

Comelec rules also indicate the different kinds of election propaganda and campaign materials allowed. Personal letters are considered "lawful" propaganda (candidates may handwrite heartfelt notes to voters!), while posters tacked on trees are a no-no.

These rules will take effect once the campaign period starts - February 12 for national candidates, and March 30 for local candidates.

GMA News Online summarized the poll body's campaign rules in this infographic. — Illustration by Analyn Perez/HS, GMA News


January 21, 2013 2:18pm


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